Shampoo, Dry Shampoo, No Poo, Shampoo Bars ...

The low down on everything shampoo; how often should you actually wash your hair, which one to use and what do they all do.

Dry Shampoo

  • Dry shampoo is applied at the scalp to dry hair.

  • It absorbs oils and dirt on the scalp and hair, eliminating the need to wash your hair everyday.

This miracle product has made a splash in the beauty industry in the last 5 years. More and more products in the dry shampoo market are being released each year, including dry shampoo pastes, loose powders and more. This is an amazing time saving product for everyone to add into their beauty routine.

My personal favourite is EVO’s Water Killer because of its lightweight texture and natural floral scent. For more info on Water Killer and other Dry shampoo’s we carry, click here

No Poo Shampoo

  • A gentle cleanser that doesn’t foam

  • Does not contain sulfates

No poo has been a big breakout product growing in popularity especially with the curly girls. It’s benefits are that it is moisturizing and gentle, however, sulfates and cleansing agents are used to remove buildup in the hair, I always recommend using a clarifying treatment or shampoo such as Redken’s Detox now and then to ensure no buildup of oils and dirt.

Shampoo Bars

  • Tend to be made from all natural ingredients

  • Marketed as a conditioning shampoo concept.

Shampoo bars are actually an old concept reinvented again in a massive growing market of package free, eco-friendly products. They are a great product for traveling/camping and are easy to use, but they don’t typically target specific hair needs such as proteins and moisture. Be mindful to choose a higher quality bar as some can leave a film making the hair feel healthy and shiny, however they can have harmful affects to the hair and scalp overtime.

Hair Health

Each of these products have their place, but its important to know how to use them and their impact on your scalps health. Clogged hair follicles and product build up on the scalp can have a huge impact on hair growth and can even lead to dandruff or hair loss. Your scalp needs to breath just like the rest of the skin on our bodies. For instance, I suggest washing your hair 1-2 times per week to remove build up of product and feel free to use dry shampoo in between for hair longevity, but don’t use it as a shampoo replacement.

Hot Tip! Before stepping in the shower, dry brush your scalp and comb out your hair to loosen any product build up. Once in the shower wash twice with your regular shampoo or once with your clarifying shampoo (ex. Redken’s Detox Shampoo) to be sure your your scalp is squeaky clean and able to breath! Follow up with a conditioner that meets your hair needs (ie. Redken’s All Soft or Extreme)

Remember a Healthy scalp equals healthy hair growth! Hope this helps you on your healthy hair journey. <3

Written by Charlene Parsons.